For our
For humankind and nature
SANDMASTER focuses on sustainability
How can we make sure that we leave the next generation a world in which they can live long term? We are convinced that the solution lies in values, expertise and innovative strength. This begins with development and that is why we build a large part of our machines ourselves.
Our commitment starts today:
- Large-scale photovoltaic system as well as a modern pellet heating system on the company premises
- Use of hybrid and electric vehicles that are charged with solar power
- Latest-generation vehicle fleet in compliance with current exhaust emission standards
- Water-saving nozzle and rotation technologies
- More economical drive models as well as alternative drive methods
- In the full washing of artificial turf pitches, we have developed a mobile water filter that extracts almost all pollutants from the wastewater to reduce stress on the ground water
We believe that we do more than just clean sand and sports surfaces; Every single day we also contribute significantly to our future – and to that of our children
That is our GREEN PROMISE.
Our biggest contribution to environmental protection
All details given are approximation. They are nevertheless based on concrete figures. Sand is a natural product and is therefore subject to variations.
Sandmaster Innovation for the Environment
Our water filter removes pollutants from the wash water
The innovative “Water Beast” water filtration system used in the Sandmaster full artificial turf wash almost completely removes pollutants from the wash water.
Sie erreichen uns bequem und schnell über unser Kontaktformular.
Wir melden uns bei Ihnen schnellstmöglich zurück, gerne auch zu Ihrem Wunschtermin.